Monday, March 15, 2010

Cat with Fluid Filled Ear


3 weeks ago my cat's ear was puffy on the inside of the ear lobe. The vet took 2 syringe full of fluid out. He called it a hematobia. He said it would probably came back which it did within a couple of days. He's OK but my question is what causes this and should the ear be lanced. I had a tomcat several years ago with the same thing and his ear was lanced and it didn't come back. Thank you.

- Regina


I am sorry your cat is having trouble with his ear. A hematoma is what results when the skin of the ear becomes detached from the underlying cartilage and some type of trauma, usually head shaking, causes the blood vessels in the ear to fill with blood. The most accepted treatment for this is surgery, in which a slit is made in the skin of the ear and stitches are placed to adhere the skin back to the cartilage. This usually provides for a more cosmetic repair than draining or lancing alone. Without placement of sutures, it is likely that the pocket will fill back up and result in a scarred ear flap that is unsightly, or worse, bends over and blocks the ear canal. Your veterinarian can assess the ear and make the best determination as to what steps should be taken next.

Good luck,
Sara F. Jennen DVM

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