Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dog Peeing Anywhere In House


Our dog has been peeing anywhere he wants to in our house. Lifts his leg anywhere. We have tried letting him out every 30 minutes, and also having him wear a "Mark-Out" wrap. We are at wits end with trying to shampoo out stains, odor, and trying to re-train him. He howls when we leave, even if it's just to walk out the back door to talk to a neighbor! Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated. He is a smart dog, learns tricks easily and is a lovable dog, and don't want to resort to putting him down!

- Nancy


It sounds like your dog is suffering from separation anxiety and I am guessing the marking behavior occurs when you leave him alone. Separation anxiety is a very complicated condition, often requiring medication and behavior therapy combined. You will need to have the drugs prescribed by your veterinarian and he or she can help you formulate a behavior modification routine. A good start would be to confine him to a crate each and every time you leave the house.

Good luck with this very difficult problem!
Sara F. Jennen DVM

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