Monday, June 28, 2010

Dog Squatting All the Time and Having "Accidents"


Normally wonderfully at being housebroken, recently my Pomeranian/Yorkie mix has been having accidents several times a day. She walks around squatting most of the time - sometimes it appears as though she wants to pee and sometimes it appears as though she wants to poop. She will still give me the signal when she REALLY needs to go out and I take her and she will go potty, but the whole 15 minutes we are outside, she will be squatting.

I took her to the groomer and she said she had some matted hair around her "little girl" area and suggested I put some Neosporin on that. I have been trying to do that daily, but have been unable to do it every day. Can you give me an idea what may be the problem? I know I need to take her to the vet, but regretfully, I am having to wait until pay day.

- Terri


It sounds like your little girl may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). That is the most common reason for urinating small amounts often. It is probably not an emergency, but she may be uncomfortable until she receives treatment. Your veterinarian will most likely want to obtain a urine sample so that he or she can decide on an appropriate course of treatment. Untreated UTI's can often lead to bladder stones.

Best of luck to you and your little pup!
Sara F. Jennen DVM

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