Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cat Chewing on Electrical Cords


My cat has a thing for chewing on thick electrical cords like cable cords or any of that thickness. Is there anything safe that I could rub on them that would keep her from wanting to chew on them? I've tried various spray repelent products but has not helped. I'm so afraid that some day she will get to one that has become unhidden or she has found a way to get to & will end in tragedy.
- Vicky


As you know, chewing electrical cords can be very dangerous! You could trying spraying the area with Feliway, a feline hormone product which can sometimes deter a cat from going to a certain area. If you can catch her in the act, a good spray with a water bottle or a loud blast from an air horn might help. There is a product called a scat mat that delivers a mild electrical current that is aversive to the cat. There are all manner of products available to protect cords from damage. It will probably be a matter of trial and error. I wish you luck!

Sara F Jennen DVM

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