Hello, My name is Lindsey and I have a boston terrier that will be 2 in may. She weighs about 35 pounds and does not look that big. I know she should not weigh more than 20 to 25 pounds. We have her on light dry dog food and only give her 1.5 cups of food a day and the amount she should get is between 2-3 cups a day. We give her half a cup for breakfast, half a cup for lunch, and half a cup for dinner but she is not losing weight. She is very tall for a boston terrier also. I know some of the weight gain could be cause it is/was winter and did not get very much excersize but even in the summer she still did not lose any weight. Can you help me find a great kind of dog food that will help her lose some weight? And also is it bad that we only give her one and a half cups of food a day instead of what she should be getting? We do not feed her any human food neither. Can you please help I don't know what to do.
Dear Pet Owner,
Weight gain can also be caused by metabolic problems (particularly thyroid) so I would have her checked for these problems. She may also need a more restricted food. Your veterinarian can help you.
Dr. Baeyens
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