Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Helping a Dog with Hair Loss and Sores


I am doing volunteer work with rescue animals. One dog in particular has lost most of his hair and has sores all over his body. The rescue doesn't have much money. I was thinking omega 3's and other vitamins to help with inflammation. Is there hope for this dog to grow back his hair and help with his allergies? They have been to the vet to no avail. I am willing to buy what this dog needs. Can this be turned around? My thought is vitamins and nutrition. Please send me an e-mail if possible. I want to do something immediately to help this dog. Thank you for your time.



Dear Gina,

Although I am not familiar with this particular dog's case, from the information that you are giving me it sounds like he may have severe allergies (although he may have mange or some other
underlying problem). There is no cure for allergies, only management. This puts him in the "chronically ill" category. I realize that it is very tempting to want to do "everything possible" in these cases. However, you must realize that the cold, hard facts are that the shelters are euthanizing perfectly healthy animals at an alarming rate. If you adopt this animal out, you must disclose the condition that he is in now, even if he is looking very good at the time. This may make it difficult to find him a home. Your question to me was "Can this be turned around?" The short answer is, "Not permanently, but you could possibly help this dog feel better."

Thank you for your question,

Sara F. Jennen DVM

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