Monday, November 16, 2009

Using Dog Flea Product on Ferrets


My son has two neutered male ferrets that he keeps in his room and lets out as often as he can. He and his children take them outside to play in the grass in the yard and occasionally to the flea market or the beach on leashes. His problem is that they seem to have fleas. He was told that you can use the dog flea product that you put on their shoulder blades in a much smaller dose. Like the smallest dose divided between the two of them. He hasn't been able to get a vet to tell him exactly how to do it and so he is hesitating to try it in case it might make them sick - or worse. Can you give us any information on it. I even called Bayer who makes one of the products and they told us to ask a vet. I realize it is off label use but is it possible to use on ferrets? We don't want to do anything to hurt them but we don't want them to have fleas either. Thanks for any help you can give us.


Dear Pet Owner,
Anything you use on the ferrets is off label. You need to see a veterinarian that sees ferrets regularly and get their recommendation for what to use.

Dr. Baeyens

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