Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cat Licking Paws Raw


I believe my cat is licking her paws raw. I have been nursing one front paw off and on for a year with neosporin, goes away and comes back again, a large sore and she leaves several blood spots on my comforter at the end of the bed. I noticed her other front paw looks like it has sores, but small ones. Does she have a problem? She is a licker, herself quite often, and she likes to lick my hands when in front of her.



If he is declawed, one possibility may be that he is having complications from the procedure, even if it was years ago. It the procedure was performed improperly, it is possible that a small piece of bone was left behind in each toe that is acting like a foreign body and irritating him. Your veterinarian should be able to diagnose this with x-rays. If tissue adhesive was used to close the wounds and too much was applied, it is possible that there are pieces inside the skin (glue foreign bodies) that are trying to work their way out. It may be necessary for your veterinarian to anesthetize him and explore or biopsy the area to diagnose the problem.

If he is not declawed, biopsy may be necessary to find the cause. Even if he is declawed it could be something totally unrelated to the procedure. However, it would be highly unlikely that he is licking his feet to the point of creating sores unless there is an underlying health issue.

Good luck to you!
Sara F. Jennen DVM

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