Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cocker Spaniel Won't Stop Going in House


Dear Vet.,
Please help us, we have a very sweet female cocker spaniel named Bailey. She is a year and half old and we can not get her to stop using the potty in the house. We have tried everything, including rewarding her when she poops or pees outside. We can have her outside and she will pee and then come into the house and pee again on the carpet. We love her to death and she is so sweet, we just don't know what to do... Please help!

Jeff and Cyndi


Dear Jeff and Cyndi,
Crate training seems to be the best way to housetrain a puppy. Keep her in the crate at all times when you cannot watch her. Take her outside immediately upon removing her from the crate. Stay with her until she does her business. If she does not, put her back in the crate until she is ready. If she goes outside, reward her with a food treat or a clicker, which seems to be even more effective than food treats. If this fails, you may need to consult a behavior therapist.

Good luck to you,
Sara F. Jennen DVM

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