Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dog with Addision's Disease


I have a question about my 1 year old Carolina dog. She has addisons disease she was diagnosed last May, at 6 mos of age. She has percorten inj every 25 days and is treated with predisone 25mgs 1 to 2x's a day. My question is this, she seems so tired after something as simple as a day in the park i started her on pet vitamins, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Lately, we are having more bad days than good.

If i cut back on her predisone she tends to get the irritable bowel, and becomes lethargic. It seems we cannot get this under control as she will have a few good days than, just like that, she is at the vet getting fluids, and a steriod inj. I
 am so frustrated I have followed all instructions for her care to the tee. I was wondering if you had any suggestions, I have spent alot of money and am so frustrated, to still not have this under control. Her stress triggers seem to be many, at that time i will increase the 25mg predisone to two tabs a day. Everything i have read is the percorten inj and the predisone, and that's the treatment plan. There has to be something else, something being missed, as she is not the typical addisonian.

Please let me know if you know of another treatment plan i could try. I am exhausted, and frustrated,and feel have read and researched everything i can, and my vet, I feel has given up in a sense, kinda like "oh boy here comes lula again" and her narotic mom, and I always have a lot of questions, but I can't help her if I don't know. They say we treat the symptoms. Euthanasia has been mentioned and is not an option as I feel there is something else. I love her so much., and any suggestions you might have books, treatment ideas would be greatly appreciated.

.. Thank you for your time


Dear Pet Owner,
I am very sorry that your dog is so sick. Unfortunately addison's is a severe disease and sometimes very hard to control. It sounds as if she is on the appropriate therapy for this disease, unfortunately sometimes treatment can be unrewarding. It is up to you and your vet to decide if her quality of life is good or not. If you are not comfortable with your veterinarian you should have her records sent to another one (word of mouth is always a good way to find a new vet) and see if you are more comfortable there. Perhaps there is an underlying reason that she is not responding to treatment, such as hypothyroidism, which is often found concurrently with addison's disease. I would ask your current (or new) vet to repeat bloodwork and make sure there is not another disease process in the works. She is awfully young to have such a debilitating chronic disease.

Good luck
Sara F. Jennen DVM

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